Goods purchase engineering services

It is an organized effort that aims to review and analyze all the activities of a project and is known as one of the most efficient and important economic methods in the field of engineering activities.
It does not consider any part of the work to be certain.
The goal of value engineering is to reduce time to operation without increasing costs or reducing the quality of work.
Eliminating that part of the costs that do not play a role in improving quality and are unnecessary from an operational point of view.
Management in cost control
The purpose of this method is to remove or modify anything that causes unnecessary costs, without harming the main and basic functions of the plan.
It is a set consisting of several technical methods that will be able to realize the full implementation of the plan with the least cost and time by reviewing and analyzing the work components.
Design and implementation costs, ownership costs including operation, maintenance and consumption costs throughout the useful life of the project.
Its greatest benefits are in the first stages of planning and design
Collecting information, identifying problematic areas, proposing and formulating innovative methods and plans, cultivating new ideas and comprehensively checking the views that are to be recommended.